Flexible IOT ecosystem
Legionellosis is the collective name given to the pneumonia-like illness caused by legionella bacteria. This includes the most serious legionnaires’ disease, as well as the similar but less serious conditions of Pontiac fever and Lochgoilhead fever. Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia and everyone is susceptible to infection HSE Link,
All non-domestic premises are required by law to undertake water safety risk assessments and regular temperature checking, to ensure water temperatures are maintained at safe levels in storage tanks Calorifiers and at point of use.
Our Aqua Qi sensors completely automates this process, providing accurate L8 compliant temperature records and data insights, from mains water intake and storage to point of use, freeing up staff to undertake other tasks.
Automation is also proven to substantially reduces water wastage and energy consumption whilst simultaneously reducing carbon footprints.
Our easy to fit non-obtrusive intelligent sensors come pre configured and ready for use
How can IoT help combat Legionella?
Usually the testing for legionella requires manual human interaction, however with Aqua QI you are able to remotely monitor your legionella risk through the use of specialist LoRaWAN sensors.
With IoT you can keep accurate records without human error or gaps in the temperature monitoring. There’s also the added bonus that all monitoring and control can be carried out remotely helping to reduce the risk to onsite personnel.
Simply connect the LoRaWAN sensors to the equipment you wish to monitor,, this is easily done beause of their non invasive nature. Devices are preconfigured and will automatically connect on install with the LoRaWAN network and your specific user dashboard. the equipment.
Data send frequency can be altered to suit the current Legionella risk assessment requirements and any site specific constraints
By installing Aqua Qi sensors the hotels engineering team were able to view and accurately record real time bedroom and public space water temperatures remotely. This removed the need for the monthly task of manual temperature recording, whilst meeting compliance requirements .
• Saved over 95,000 Litres of water annually
• 300 maintenance staff man hours saved allowing staff to undertake other works
• Allowed calorifier temperatures to be reduced by 1 degree resulting in an 8% energy saving
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