Flexible IOT ecosystem
In the post Covid world the importance of indoor Air Quality monitoring may finally be attracting the attention it rightly deserves. Not just from the obvious staff wellbeing and comfort perspective, but also from an Energy Cost Saving and ESG perspective, particularly with the recent substantive spike in utilities costs.
Energy Savings & ESG
The operating costs of embedded heating and cooling systems in a building can regularly exceed 45% of the total energy consumption and expenditure. Real time monitoring of the Heating, Cooling and Air handling plant, provides the data driven and evidenced analytics, to allow building managers to actively manage temperatures and fresh air supply and consequently substantially reduce utilities expenditure and increase staff comfort.
Air Quality & Staff Wellbeing
The Institute of Air Quality Management and CIBSE recently published Guidance note: - Indoor Air Quality Guidance: Assessment, Monitoring, Modelling and Mitigation https://iaqm.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/iaqm_indoorairquality.pdf states:-
“It is apparent that exposure to indoor air pollutants could have greater significance on human health than outdoor air for several reasons":
• most of us spend more time breathing indoor air than outdoor air (WHO, 2013);
• buildings have become more airtight to reduce energy consumption which reduces uncontrolled ingress of outdoor air;
• we may be exposed to a wider range of air pollutants, particularly VOCs, inside, than outside; and
• concentrations of many pollutants are higher inside than outside (WHO, 2010)
There is a growing body of evidence (PHE, 2020 and USEPA, 2021b) of the adverse health effects from exposure to poor IAQ. These include irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract, allergies, asthma, central nervous system symptoms, liver and kidney damage, as well as cancer risks.”
Taking into account that the average person will spend around 85% of their life inside buildings, without any real understanding of the air they are breathing and the potential harm this can cause, there should be a duty of care for building owners’ occupiers and managers to ensure that the indoor air quality in their building is not having a potential detrimental effect on staff and building users health.
By Installing AtmosQI sensors and innovative platform you will be able to actively manage the indoor air quality of your building and through evidenced based data, can also manage your supply air handling and cooling and heating system,
This will result not only in, happier, healthier, and more productive staff, but reduced absence as well realising substantial energy savings and reduced carbon footprint
We believe that our partners buildings can not only be healthy buildings, but also energy-efficient, low carbon, and eventually carbon-zero buildings too.
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