Flexible IOT ecosystem
Q-View modular IOT ecosystem
Q-View modular IOT ecosystem
To simplify the development and delivery of IOT and sensor technology to help clients cost effectively and quickly meet their commercial, ESG and compliance objectives
The benefits of IOT and smart sensors are significant. We want to challenge the current silo development of IOT applications and provide an intuitive flexible platform to manage report and action insight from our range of smart sensors shown in our core services below.
Our new IOT ecosystem enables active delivery of commercial benefits through realtime independent control of heating and cooling and our live dashboard gives insight into performance against key metrics such as carbon reduction, temperate and humidity levels and water temperature and flow
Our damp and mould solution offers social housing providers real time insight into the internal environmental conditions within dwellings, by logging temperature and humidity every 15 seconds, there is also the option to add Co2 and other enviro metrics. This allows us to gather accurate evidenced data which can be used to Identify dwellings at high risk of mould growth or as mitigation against potential claims or civil actions
Our air quality sensors offer the choice of standard or enhanced indoor air quality monitoring, ensuring companies and organisations are providing the optimum operational internal conditions for occupants, increasing staff wellbeing and productivity, reducing the risk of covid or other virus transmission as well as reducing energy costs and carbon footprint.
Our water safety and legionella sensors continuously record Hot, Cold and TMV temperatures, eliminating the need to manually check or record water outlet temperatures. Reducing costs through saving staff time, eliminating water wastage and reducing energy consumption whilst ensuring the duty holders HSE L8 and statutory compliance obligations are met.
Our cold storage and refrigeration sensors constantly monitor temperatures in fridges, freezers and food displays, removing the need to manually take or record temperatures, meeting all HCAPP compliance recording standards, reducing energy costs, ensuring food safety and minimising any potential food wastage.
Failing on Compliance standards has potentially serious implications, Q-View provides a real time display and record of the actual current compliance status within an individual property or across an estate. With additional customisable reporting capabilities Q-View also includes the added benefit of real time auto email and text alerting when predefined tolerances or standards have been breached
Q-View removes the need for manual checking, inputting and reporting, saving time, cost and mitigating risk
We currently cover a wide range of compliance metrics including, Fire Door monitoring, Legionella temperature and flow monitoring, HCAPP refrigeration, Air Quality (meets Ella’s Law requirements) and Damp and Mould monitoring
With the significant increases in utility costs which will be he norm in the medium term the ability to actively manage property utility costs is key. Within hotels evidence suggests that let rooms are occupied less than 50% of the time yet room heating and cooling is active for 80%.
Our Q-View dashboard allows for active, real time management based on occupancy. For an notional 150 room hotel annual savings are estimated at £115k
With organisations facing increasing pressure on delivering against net zero targets Q-View and our sensor family allow measurable metrics to be recorded and accurately reported, supporting Co2 reductions against targets
Our Q view dashboard simplifies this process, for example we can provide a range of key metric info ranging from water consumption, Co2 levels, temperature and humidity.
This info can be aggregated into your specific wellness or wellbeing score to show guest or tenant satisfaction.
We believe our planet is precious and we can and need to do more, to ensure it is healthier, cleaner and more sustainable. As a society we need actively manage our natural resources and energy consumption and lower our carbon omissions.
We believe by implementing state of the art LoRaWAN smart sensor technology that environmental and compliance data metrics can be accurately tracked, measured and actioned in real time, allowing companies to reduce energy & utilities costs whilst delivering on their ESG objectives .
We believe that our clients are our partners., working together to improve the environmental metrics of their spaces, reducing carbon emissions and making a positive impact on our environment
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